Top 5 Best Ways to Learn Korean
How to Learn Korean at Home
Being exposed to Kpop has really opened our eyes to the wonders of the beautiful Kpop world. And as much as we love our BTS, Blackpink, Aespa, and so on, what we discovered was that to really get into the knowledge of everything we love about Kpop, sometimes we just have to immerse ourselves as the locals do. This can be pretty difficult if you don’t speak the language of course. While we are passionate about everything Kpop, sometimes passion just isn’t enough to access all the insider information you might get if you speak the language. With that being said, for those Kpop stans passionate about learning Korean to really support and dive into the fandom, we’re here to help you. When asked, "why do you want to learn Korean?", Kpop stans often express their gratitude for Kpop star's effort in learning english to communicate with their fans. Many feel like they want to extend the same effort back. It’s certainly not easy to learn Korean, let alone any new language, but if you’re looking for some basics to help you get by and scroll through the latest Kpop news, then we got some really great resources on how to learn Korean right at home. Here are our tips and suggested resources for the best ways to learn Korean. Let’s get started!
- Egg Bun
- Talk to me in Korean
- Memrise
- Hello Talk App
- Watching Variety shows/ KDrama / Kpop Music Videos
Perhaps you are familiar with the popular Korean teaching app Eggbun. This easy how-to-learn-Korean app, which primarily taught Korean, has become so popular that it has now expanded onto languages such as Japanese and Chinese. Eggbun is a great and friendly way to start your Korean learning journey. It is a basic app that you can download onto your phone and start learning Korean anywhere anytime. It has a really youthful UX that looks as if you are texting a friend while you are learning Korean. The lessons, which are separated into different courses and text conversations, start from the beginner level which teaches basics reading to the advanced level which teaches real-life dialogues and conversations. In our opinion, this app is a great way to dip your toes into the language as it covers a variety of essentials that might help you build a foundation when it comes to learning Korean at home.

Lessons are taught in bite size manner which allows you to easily absorb information and space how much you can do in a day. The lessons are conducted in your usual text format, allowing you to learn how to quickly type in Korean as if you would texting a friend. It has a really simple and cute interface that makes learning fun and for those really invested in how to speak Korean, you can even opt in to their 8-week classroom course where you can learn from a teacher and interact with other students in a group chat.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do if you don’t want to opt for their subscription services. For those that might not be able to pay on a monthly basis, it would not be a great place to start. Even though you are texting the AI teacher in the app, most of the texts are self-written options that you just have to choose the right order or choice to answer, which might not be as interactive or free as some users may like when learning how to write in Korean.
Talk to Me in Korean
Talk to me in Korean has a variety of platforms that they are a part of, with the single goal of teaching you how to speak Korean. The program has been around for over a decade and is one of the internet’s first expansive programs on how to learn Korean. You can go on their website to find all the resources you need to start. They have a youtube channel that offers a ton of free content and fun videos that make it easy to learn. They also have online courses or books that you can use together to learn Korean. If you’re on the go, you can tune into their podcasts on Spotify where they release short audios on topics about grammar, sentence structures, basic greetings, and so on. You could even tune into their Instagram where they post content about the best ways to learn Korean and daily tips.

Since they are available on several platforms and have different methods of teaching, you are sure to find something that suits your learning style. They also have a ton of free content that you can start learning from without having to invest any money in your studies. The podcast and video options are really great for background learning when you just want to listen in while you do work. The information is often given in a very casual and interactive way which makes learning Korean a lot easier when it’s enjoyable and natural.
Depending on what resources you’re using, whether it’s audio, books, videos, and so on, the con will differ. However, we recommend dipping your toes in the different types of resources they offer and using them together to cushion the information you struggle with. For exclusive resources such as Youtube membership, there will be a fee to take part in learning Korean.
This is another phone app that is a great resource for learning Korean, specifically learning Korean vocabulary. Memrise will section its courses into different levels and you can unlock the levels as you go through and complete the course. The app functions much like flashcards, constantly rotating through different phrases and words that will help you eventually remember what they mean. They use repetition and catchy videos and audio to help you learn Korean. They showcase the list of words you’ve mastered as you carry on in the courses and level up. This is one of the best apps for learning Korean, especially for building your vocabulary.

The flashcard technique used to learn Korean is a highly effective way to really remember keywords and build your vocabulary. It’s fun and interactive and has videos of real-life scenarios which really allows you to hear the language in a natural setting. The app allows you to download the courses ahead of time so you can always practice your Korean on the go without having any internet of data. It is one of the best ways to learn Korean vocabulary.
Memrise is also an app that requires a monthly subscription to participate in learning. The app can feel a little overwhelming when they’re throwing a lot of new words at you and forcing you to remember them on the spot. It’s not going to teach you about sentence structures or common grammar essentials, it’s purely there for vocabulary, so keep that in mind when you're looking for resources on how to learn Korean.
Watching Variety Shows / Kdramas / Kpop Music Videos
You already know that we are binge watching all the Kdramas, whether or not we're learning how to speak Korean. If you couldn't tell from our Kdrama Fashion Inspiration blog post, we are big fans. Likewise, If you’re a Kpop stan, we assume you’ve already got this down, after all, what else would we do, if not stream our favorite Kpop star’s MV day in and day out? Jokes aside, watching variety shows, Kdrama, and listening to music videos really help you normalize the language on a day-to-day basis. Variety shows in particular are a great resource for learning the ways people naturally talk to each other in real life, which can sometimes be a little over-exaggerated in resources like Kdrama movies. A very popular variety show that people often watch to practice learning Korean is Running Man.

It’s free content that you can access easily. It’s an enjoyable and leisurely way to incorporate learning Korean into your day-to-day routine.
Due to this just being content from the internet that didn’t have the intended purpose of teaching Korean, it’s going to be difficult to get answers to questions you might have when you come across something or hear something that you don’t understand.
Hello Talk App
Another useful app that you can be use anywhere. Hello talk is a texting app that connects you with people around the world that are looking to learn your native language. Here, you can do a language exchanges in which you can help each other learn, whether it’s learning Korean, learning English, or learning Japanese, you are all in this together. You are able to see their profile and match with those you find have similar interest and hobby and converse while learning Korean.

This is a great way to test your knowledge by interacting with local Koreans! They’re able to correct your sentences and give you feedback. It’s a great way to make international friends and learn the language while you’re at it. The app has a paid feature but it is totally usable in its current free state too.
Finding a good partner is dependent on the person! Sometimes you will find people that are great teachers, but sometimes you’ll find conversation drifting off. While it is supposed to be a language teaching app, you might find that some people use it as a dating app, so be aware if you're just trying to use the app to learn Korean.
And there you have it! The best ways to learn Korean right in the comforts of your own home. We recommend combining these different resources and using them at the same time to help you round out some aspects of things you might be struggling with. The key is to diversify and interact with real Koreans to test out your knowledge! Once you get the hang of it, prepare yourself on embracing all things Kpop as if you are a local yourself. If you're traveling to Korea to test out this new found skill you've acquired, don't forget to check out our tips on What to Wear for Your Trip to Korea! For more Kpop, don’t forget to check out our Kpop fashion collection over on Lychee the Label.