Lychee the Label Anniversary

In light of our one year anniversary since launch, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that believed and supported us. Our first year with Lychee the Label was truly an incredible journey that would not have been the same without the amazing community we built around our #LycheeGirls. To celebrate this milestone, we wanted to share a bit about our brand and its humble beginnings with our fans. 

The Beginning

Lychee the Label bloomed from the love of two fashion bloggers that shared the same vision: clothes that are designed to empower the women who wear them. The co-founders both shared this common love for women's streetwear clothes, but found the market lacking in this niche. They had the idea to collaborate together on something they both feel passionate about and wanted to make a mark in their own ways. We believe what someone chooses to wear says a lot about who they are. Clothes are an extension of ourselves, a different avenue of self-expression if you will. We wanted to create a brand that stands on the foundation of empowerment and focus on the concept of looking as good as you feel. This is a concept that we want to translate into modern female streetwear.
Image of the two co-founders wearing matching lychee the label clothes

The Name

The branding came easily as we were both huge foodies. We wanted to extend the theme of food beyond what was just the name of the company itself, but also to all the product we stocked in our store. For this reason, you might have noticed that all our clothes are named after some form of food, whether it's dessert or spices. The word Lychee spoke to us in particular because of its aesthetic appeal that was both dainty and feminine. It was especially important for us to represent our Asian culture thus we choose Lychee the fruit. Although, we do admit that lychee was also our favorite boba topping. Below are the prototypes for our Lychee the Label logo before we finally decided on the mascot we have today. Can you guess which elements we took from each sample?
Although we initially were attracted to prototype C, we thought the color way would not be practical for application and thus we went with a fusion of two other designs. We took the shape and 3D aesthetic of prototype D with the colors of prototype A. Our designer tilted the Lychee to give it more of a fun and casual element, while removing the shadow found in all the initial renderings. 
lychee the label logo with four possible variations

One Year Later

On June 15, 2019, we announced our launch on our branded Instagram as well as on our personal social platforms. We were greeted by such an amazing response of support, with our social growing to 1000 followers within that first week alone. It was incredible to see everything we planned painstakingly for months had paid off. Since then, we've organically grown to 25K followers on Instagram and 45K followers on Tik Tok with the continuous goal to spread our message.
We also expanded to Twitter as a platform for our most loyal customers to check in on and get the latest updates for all our new arrivals and restocks. We wanted to create a brand that allowed women to embrace their individualism; To show they have an edgy side and that they're unapologetic about it. We wanted women to feel as if their clothes reflected the confidence and power we know they have from within. To see this come to life in the form of the posts we are tagged in and our girls using #LycheexMe has been unbelievable to say the least. With that being said, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who supported Lychee the Label, whether it was through a follow, comment, purchase or a share. Our audience is the sole reason we are able to do what we love and continue spreading our vision for clothes that empower women. Thank you for following us so far on our journey, we can't wait to show you what else we have in store.
July 09, 2020